The history of NADWA and Danish Warmblood in the USA

We have collected a photo gallery of old pictures and stories from Jane Hayes and Poul Graugaard. Pictures are from DWB archives and also provided by Bonney Fernandez and Jane Hayes. Enjoy!

... and should you have some old photos from the early days of NADWA, we would be very happy to have them by email to along with your story and information on venue, date, year etc. Thank you!

NADWA - How did it start?

Jane Hayes in 2019 where she received the Danish Warmblood gold medal of honour and had lunch with among others HRH Princess Benedikte during the DWB Stallion Show in Herning, DK.
Jane Hayes in 2019 where she received the Danish Warmblood gold medal of honour and had lunch with among others HRH Princess Benedikte during the DWB Stallion Show in Herning, DK.

NADWA Treasurer Jane Hayes recalls:

”North American Danish Warmblood Association Inc (NADWA) got business license on February 7th, 2001 in the state of Louisiana. In 2001 there were 25 members. In 2002 this number had grown to 39. Sharon Londoño who worked for Richard Freeman Jr. back then, started in May 2000 to initiate the organization of NADWA but it took until February 7th, 2001 before the organization was officially registered.

On August 8th, 2003 NADWA got 501(C) (7) status from Internal Revenue Services which means that we are a none for profit organization, exempted from income tax.

In the beginning of 2001, Bonney Fernandez started working at Oak Hill Ranch, and one of her tasks was to take care of NAWDA business. She is now president of NADWA.

I have been a member of NADWA since December 17th, 2001. By that time the membership fee was $35 per year to be an active member. Today, in 2019, this fee is $65 per year, so we have definitely kept the prices at a very fair level. In 2001 there were no prize gifts for the awards, that was not introduced before I joined the Board in the beginning of 2005.

For what I can see in the old files, NADWA had its first inspection in 2002 and then again in 2004. In 2005 it was supposed to also have a US Inspection Tour, but when hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast of the US, this inspection was of course cancelled.

I have been responsible for arranging the Inspection tour ever since 2006. That year the inspection tour started on October 17th & 18th at Oak Hill Ranch and ended on October 27th in New York. In total there were 6 inspection venues and 97 horses for inspection. We have never since had such a big inspection tour. 2006 was the first time that stallions could enter for licensing in the USA. That was by the way also the year where the hot iron equipment was lost on the airplane trip from Oak Hill to Burnet, Texas (stop 1 to 2) and it was never found.”

The first Danish Warmblood inspections in the US

DWB superior judge, Poul Graugaard has hitherto joined all Danish Warmblood inspections in the US and was in the breeding committee until 2016.
DWB superior judge, Poul Graugaard has hitherto joined all Danish Warmblood inspections in the US and was in the breeding committee until 2016.

Superior judge and previous member of the breeding commission, Poul Graugaard, has hitherto joined all the US Inspections, in total 13 times by 2019, and has told us this:

”In May 1993 the first DWB mare grading and foal evaluation took place the US. The judges Jørgen Finderup (who was also identification manager and swung the hot iron) and Poul Graugaard went to the USA. They went to Verginia and California that first year.
In 1995 Poul and Jørgen were accompanied by Lorenz Linnet, breeder and judge, along with Ulf Helgstrand from the DWB Board as a representative from the Board. Ulf was a DWB breeder himself for many years and had among others the breeding stallion Vemmetofte Rainman by Rambo DVE 373. At that time he was at the Board of DWB, but at present time he is president of the Danish National Equestrian Federation and vice-president within the European Equestrian Federation.
The third US inspection was in 1997. Poul Graugaard and Lorenz Linnet were the judges, Svend Sørensen the identification manager and executive manager Lars Anthony the DWB representative from the office. Svend is still a part of the US Inspections. Lars Anthony joined the inspections until he retired.

Every second year the breeding commission along with a representative from the Board and an identification manager have been there, but the tour in 2001 was postponed until 2002 because of the terrible 9/11 incident.

Some of the other judges that have been to the states at the DWB US Inspection were Bjarne Nielsen and Ole From. Until Ole From retired as judge he was always a part of the breeding committee going to the US, the last time being 2016.

In 2018 new breeding committee member Signe Wiese went to the States with Poul Graugaard and Svend Sørensen, who has been the identification manager of the DWB inspection tours for many years. When Lars Anthony became executive manager of the Danish DWB office he started to come along in stead of a Board member.”

Please find below some of the old pictures from the 3 decades.

Do you have some old photos of Danish Warmblood horses, foals, or mares that were graded in the early years of NADWA that you would like to share with us?? Then we would be happy to receive them on with as much information as possible on the horse, date, year, venue etc - it would be very much apprciated!

If you want to know more on registering of DWB foals in North America, view here.

Images from the early years...

Tables were set by the stables for a lunch at Oak Hill Ranch
Tables were set by the stables for a lunch at Oak Hill Ranch
The mare Arabella at her grading
The mare Arabella at her grading
The elite stallion Rambo
The elite stallion Rambo
Svend Sørensen, Mr. Freeman Jr., Poul Graugaard, Lorenz Linnet, and Lars Anthony
Svend Sørensen, Mr. Freeman Jr., Poul Graugaard, Lorenz Linnet, and Lars Anthony
Hot iron branding for identification
Hot iron branding for identification
Oak Hill Ranch has hosted a mare grading and foal show most of the years where the DWB breeding commission has been to the States. Photo from 2006.
Oak Hill Ranch has hosted a mare grading and foal show most of the years where the DWB breeding commission has been to the States. Photo from 2006.

Images from 2005 and 2006

US Conv 2005
US Conv 2005
From 2006 we have found these...
From 2006 we have found these...
Bent Jensen and Cassidy
Bent Jensen and Cassidy
Jane Hayes and Rivaldo
Jane Hayes and Rivaldo
Marco Benal
Marco Benal
Barrington 2006
Barrington 2006
Barrington 2006
Barrington 2006
Fire Hjoerner Farm 2006
Fire Hjoerner Farm 2006
Oak Hill Ranch 2006
Oak Hill Ranch 2006
A cosy time at Oak Hill Farm 2006
A cosy time at Oak Hill Farm 2006
Karin Dilou and Richard Freeman Jr. 2006
Karin Dilou and Richard Freeman Jr. 2006
Sunset Cliff Farm 2006
Sunset Cliff Farm 2006
The paddock at Sunset Cliff Farm 2006
The paddock at Sunset Cliff Farm 2006
Hot iron identification was still obligatory in 2006. Here from Oak Hill Farm.
Hot iron identification was still obligatory in 2006. Here from Oak Hill Farm.
The NADWA / DWB merchandise table at Epona Farm, 2008
The NADWA / DWB merchandise table at Epona Farm, 2008

Images from 2007

A mare called Esperanza
A mare called Esperanza
Kraen Ball and Milton
Kraen Ball and Milton
Milano and Kathleen Raim
Milano and Kathleen Raim
Mix Max and Lars Holmberg
Mix Max and Lars Holmberg
Tom Mayer and Solvangs Rivaldo
Tom Mayer and Solvangs Rivaldo

Images from 2008...

Poul Graugaard, Ole From Christensen, and Lars Anthony at Epona Farm, 2008
Poul Graugaard, Ole From Christensen, and Lars Anthony at Epona Farm, 2008
Hard surface in-hand at Epona Farm, 2008
Hard surface in-hand at Epona Farm, 2008
All mares and stallions for grading are shown on hard surface in-hand, Epona Farm, 2008
All mares and stallions for grading are shown on hard surface in-hand, Epona Farm, 2008
Epona Farm, 2008
Epona Farm, 2008
Line-up at Epona Farm, 2008
Line-up at Epona Farm, 2008
Lunch at Epona Farm, 2008
Lunch at Epona Farm, 2008
Identification manager Svend Sørensen, SEGES Denmark, checking before hot iron identification can take place, Epona Farm 2008
Identification manager Svend Sørensen, SEGES Denmark, checking before hot iron identification can take place, Epona Farm 2008
Identification manager Svend Sørensen, SEGES Denmark, carrying out hot iron brand marking, Epona Farm, 2008
Identification manager Svend Sørensen, SEGES Denmark, carrying out hot iron brand marking, Epona Farm, 2008
Kathleen Raine, Debi Brum and Milano
Kathleen Raine, Debi Brum and Milano
Royal Finley
Royal Finley
Avatar as a foal 2008
Avatar as a foal 2008
Carry On 2009
Carry On 2009

Images from 2009

The stallion Highlight 2009
The stallion Highlight 2009
Milano 2009
Milano 2009

Images from 2010....

Paragon and Heather Blitz, 2010
Paragon and Heather Blitz, 2010
The stallion Ripline with rider and owners, 2010
The stallion Ripline with rider and owners, 2010
The elite stallion Solos Landtinus at Oak Hill Ranch 2010.
The elite stallion Solos Landtinus at Oak Hill Ranch 2010.
Wildorado's Zachary, 2010.
Wildorado's Zachary, 2010.
The team from Denmark, 2010: Ole From Christensen, Lars Anthony, and Poul Graugaard
The team from Denmark, 2010: Ole From Christensen, Lars Anthony, and Poul Graugaard
The weanling Sandra Lee, 2010
The weanling Sandra Lee, 2010
Feisal and Thomas Walker Aastrand
Feisal and Thomas Walker Aastrand
Phine Gall
Phine Gall

Images from 2012...

Sharon Londoño and Don Armstrong, a colt by Don Caruso/Rambo/Lando bred by Richard Freeman Jr and owned by Jane Hayes. Oak Hill Ranch 2012
Sharon Londoño and Don Armstrong, a colt by Don Caruso/Rambo/Lando bred by Richard Freeman Jr and owned by Jane Hayes. Oak Hill Ranch 2012
Don Caruso, Oak Hill Ranch 2012
Don Caruso, Oak Hill Ranch 2012
Don Armstrong at Oak Hill Ranch 2012.
Don Armstrong at Oak Hill Ranch 2012.
Lars Anthony in his US winter outfit 2012
Lars Anthony in his US winter outfit 2012
Through many consequtive years...2012
Through many consequtive years...2012
Oak Hill Ranch 2012
Oak Hill Ranch 2012
Paradiso, weanling at Oak Hill Ranch 2012
Paradiso, weanling at Oak Hill Ranch 2012
The stallion Sandro Fidelis 2012
The stallion Sandro Fidelis 2012
US Inspection 2012
US Inspection 2012
US Inspection California, 2012
US Inspection California, 2012

Photos from 2016...

Happy mare owner in South Carolina, 2016
Happy mare owner in South Carolina, 2016
South Carolina, 2016
South Carolina, 2016
Our judges, Poul Graugaard and Ole From Christensen viewing gaits shown free, South Carolina, 2016
Our judges, Poul Graugaard and Ole From Christensen viewing gaits shown free, South Carolina, 2016
Lionel, South Carolina, 2016
Lionel, South Carolina, 2016
Foal at evaluation, South Carolina, 2016
Foal at evaluation, South Carolina, 2016
Yearling at evaluation South Carolina, 2016
Yearling at evaluation South Carolina, 2016
From the US Inspection 2016
From the US Inspection 2016

Photos from 2018...

Svend Sørensen to the left and Poul Graugaard to the right, California 2018.
Svend Sørensen to the left and Poul Graugaard to the right, California 2018.
Jane Hayes relaxing while a mare is judged, California 2018.
Jane Hayes relaxing while a mare is judged, California 2018.

Presented by

Dansk Varmblod


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